An Unexpected Journey

Monday, July 25, 2011

My God cares

God is good. As I get older, my desire to know the Lord increases. I cannot fathom how precious I am to Him, and that despite my un-ending sinful nature,
He still loves me. My mom's death has taken such a toll on me lately. You get to the point where you start to question if people remember or not. God never
forgets, and at my lowest He reminds me He knows all about it. In the past couple of weeks, God has been sending me reminders of how much He cares for me.
Now, some may call it "coincidences" but I know it is The Lord. Recently I went out with my good friend, Adrien. We spent an entire Saturday together. That
morning I had been missing my mom more than usual. It was so hard to get out of bed, but I knew I really needed to get out of the house and enjoy myself.
So, we met up and began our day. We went to the hair salon, the mall and even made pottery. But something happened that day that I will never, ever forget.

We stopped for lunch at a place called "Hillbilly Hot Dogs." It is a hidden, West Virginian treasure! One of the neat things about this place is that you
can sign your name anywhere! There are thousands and thousands of signatures all over the place. On the floor, wall, ceiling, windows, tables, you
name it, there's a signature on it! It was unusually crowded that day too. We ordered our hot dogs and deep-fried mac and cheese, and finally found a booth
to sit at. We talked about my mom a lot, which was nice. A lot of people, bless their hearts, tend to get very uncomfortable if I bring her up, or they just
don't say anything and change the subject. I know they don't know what to say though, and I don't take any offense to it. It helped me to be able to talk
about her so freely though. As we sat there talking, I saw Adrien point to the wall at our booth. Her eyes grew big and her mouth dropped open. I turned to
look, and there written as plain as day was the name Melissa Bailey!! I know for a fact that my mom never knew that place existed, and it wasn't even close
to her handwriting! You can't tell me that the God who SPOKE the world into existence couldn't reach down from Heaven and put the name there just for me!!!
I just can't get over it!

There has been numerous other things happen as well. Just last week at the thrift store where I work one of my co-workers came to the back room where I sort
donations. She was telling me how they have a big stack of newspapers by the cash register to wrap any fragile items customers purchase. She happened to look
down at one of the pieces of newspaper, and the first thing she saw was my mom's obituary. She brought it to me just in shock that out of the whole stack she
saw that! God pays attention to us, and He knows how bad we hurt. Just think of the hurt He felt on the cross. We cannot even begin to imagine. Whether I see
a butterfly or my mom's favorite Disney character, it is a reminder to me that God loves me. "How precious are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the
sum of them!"
Today I have written this so one day I can look back and remember what God has done for me. He is so good, and I praise Him for carrying me
through this trial. He never gets tired of me asking for help. I am so thankful He saved me, and that I will get to see my precious Mother again one day.
What a day that will be!!


  1. Kayla,
    You don't me, but as I read your blog it reminds me of my journey. My mom died in a car accident when I was 17. That has been 21 years ago. I am now the age she was when she died. It is hard to believe that she was so young. I praise the Lord, though, that she was saved and one day I'll get to see her again. Just rest in the comfort of our Lord. He'll carry you through the tough times. He loves us so much and has a special purpose for us. Thank you for sharing your journey. - Debby Cartmell

  2. Dear Kayla,
    Sheri Edwards is my friend on facebook and she shared a link to your blog to everyone. I just wanted to let you know that what you are sharing is very encouraging and such a great testimony to other people. You are very brave to share your heart and the emotional trial you are going through right now. I am sorry for the loss of your mother. I can't say that I understand exactly what you are going through right now, but I do know what it is to hurt and feel like the only thing you can do is desperatley hold on to the Father's hand. While going through it, at first you wonder why. But as you continue through the path He has set out, you see the beauty of leaning soley on Him, because through the suffering, you are brought ever closer to Him like nothing else can do. Thank-you again for writing this, and it is my hope that maybe we could become friends. Friends are such a gift from the Lord and I think it is so important to have them. If you would like to email me you can do so at Praying for you!
    -Danica-Lee Szabatin
    Gal. 2:20
